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We are almost at the end of the HHD Top Ten Tips to get more Rentals and it has been an enlightening journey for us to put down all our years of experience in this area into bite sized nuggets and we hope you are enjoying reading them as much as we have writing them.
This week's Top Ten Tip is #9 - Welcome Packs/ The Welcome Pack. Why is this not at the beginning you may ask? Well some of the things mentioned below have been covered in our former posts and like all good essays the intro is always best left to last.
The Welcome Pack is an essential in maintaining a reputation of high standard as well as opening up a great raport with your guests and hopefully one that will lead not only to recommendations for new business but in repeat business.
It is advisable to send a pre pack out when booking and payment are secure with the relevant information needed to make sure your guests can find you.
Remember that although most people may arrive by car, some will arrive by railway, bus, even bicycle! So directions are best given concerning all modes of transport and coming from North, South, East and West. There is more than one way to do things, so it is better to think of all the options and be as clear as possible.
A good idea is to send the Google Map location of your property so people can put this into their Sat Nav or Smartphone Map App.
Also remember to give the codes or details of where to access the keys so customers can get into the property with ease when they arrive.
Another consideration in the pre-pack is to give them directions and opening times to the nearest amenities they might need before they arrive, from petrol stations, to quick fast food, local shop that stays open late, or whatever might help them. You will know their needs and what time of day they arrive, so modify for each guest if you can.
There are many things that a Welcome Pack functions as. Firstly, sustenance. Food, drink, the basic condiments are always a good idea.
Here's a list of what we would recommend for the first arrival hamper when it comes to food and drink. Remember that this, like all our Top Ten Tips, is a guide, but these observances can help to make guests comfortable and come back again.
How to work the heating, shower, washing machine, the oven and even the fridge can differ across the board. This is best one to one with guests, but leave some info in the kitchen drawer.
Let guests know where the bins are and what days they are to go out if they are staying for a period of time. This might not be obvious.
If there are terms and conditions on the property while guests are staying or particular housekeeping notices you wish to make them aware of, be sure to have a copy of this in a place that can be seen like the inside of the front door.
Adding to the tourist info, have a list of local amenities, not just of the leisure type, but educational (like the libraries). Also drycleaners, suit hire, bars, car parking, bike hire, leisure centres. The list is endless, but choose the top amenities in your area.
Why not print the weather report for the week and leave it on the fridge or on the kitchen counter?
We Irish especially love to know all about the weather, so If your guests are on a golf break or going sailing for example, they will be much appreciative!
Some added extras to make your guests stay as memorable and affordable as possible can include:
These were covered in a former top ten tip, but to reiterate; making connections in the local community for special deals for your guests is a very valuable marketing technique that benefits your guests immensly.
Adding to this, providing post cards and unique souvenirs and even stretching the boat out for stamps can be a lovely touch. Depending on the type of property and location you live in you could have very unique and specific trinkets for guests that would add the wow factor. Be creative where you can on this one.